Thursday, January 12, 2012

સુંદરવિનાશ (BeautifulDisaster) - Introduction!

About Me
I am a student at a local college, although I am taking some time off to work as a hostess (for now, but hopefully soon as a waitress) at a restaurant and bar in my hometown. I have had weight problems since I was old enough to notice, and I am finally to the point where I am not only fed up with it, but my health is being jeopardized. I am ready to take back my life and become active and fit so that I can truly enjoy what life has to offer me.

Ultimate Goal
I am trying not to put too much emphasis on weight, but 150 would be ideal. I have told myself every year that it would be different and that I would FINALLY be able to wear a bikini during summertime. Well this year, I want that lie I have been telling myself to become the truth. I am sick of wearing a once piece suit under a t-shirt while all my friends strut around in their much cuter bikinis. But this is also much more than looks to me - I want to feel truly healthy, inside and out. This includes my self-image, because I have always had terrible self-esteem, and I am beyond ready to change that!

Plans for Week 1
Well I have already begun to cut out sodas and to make small changes such as parking a little further away so that I have a longer walk, but this coming week I will stop drinking sodas completely and be even more mindful of the small changes I could make - such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, as my sister already pointed out. I will also go back to the gym on Monday, since I have been paying for a gym membership for a few months now and have been letting it go to waste. And, as my sister also mentioned, I will start a food journal tomorrow so that I can see what I am really putting into my body.

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