Wednesday, January 11, 2012

FanGirl05 - Introduction! Yay!

So, this was totally my crazy idea. We were talking on the phone earlier today about how we needed to get healthier, and I mentioned that I am one of those people who needs an accountability partner. So I came up with this idea, so that we could hold each other accountable even though we are really far apart.
We will be posting every other day (starting Monday, January 16) and keeping you updated with what we are doing. We don't have a regimen we are trying to follow (yet) or a set diet (yet) - we just both want to get healthier, and are trying to make sure the other is doing something to progress towards our ultimate goals. In these first posts, we will be introducing ourselves, setting our ultimate goals and deciding how we will be progressing towards those goals the first week.

About Me
I am a recent college graduate, living away from home on my first professional internship. My job takes up a lot of my time and energy, so most days I don't have the initiative to work out. I am hoping that by having something that I have to update every other day with progress, I will be more likely to actually make progress.

Ultimate Goal
I would like to reach 150lbs, but my true goal is to look attractive in this costume at Dragon*Con.
Points to whomever can name this character, bonus points if you tell me what this costume is from - leave a comment!

 Goal Deadline: Aug. 16, 2012 (this gives me two weeks for buffer time and to make sure the costume fits)

Plans for Week 1
I am going to track my diet this week, so that I can better judge how it needs to change. I will be setting food goals in Week 2.
As far as exercising, I would like to make it to the gym at least twice the first week. It is going to be a busy week at work, so I will not have the time for more exercise outside of work, but I will walk to work and take stairs instead of elevators whenever I can.

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